Casselin's catalog 2023

2 - 2023 Amélie ROUSSEAU Commercial’s director Welcome Dear customers, dear partners, The year 2022 was marked by the relocation of our offices and warehouses. This was an opportunity for Casselin to quadruple the storage space due to the growth but also to add more than 250 referencesin the catalogue. The 2023 edition is distinguished by the creation of a new buffet- hotel-breakfast range, but also by the developmentof the cold range which had been expected for years. You will find upright fridge and freezer, saladette,back bars etc. Also, we are completing all the ranges of the catalogue with more and more differentiating products and novelties to discover. Thanks to this recent move, we have created a showroom in which we will be pleasedto welcomeyou to presentour best productsand our new products.Do not hesitateto contactus to visit it! I sincerelythank all those who have placed their trust in us and we are as enthusiasticas ever to welcomeour new customerson a daily basis. The Casselin team is at your side to accompany you in order to participate and develop the business with you, hand in hand. We wish everyone a successful and prosperous year in 2023! Casselin