Catalogo Casselin 2025 IT - 2025 447 (serial number or copy of invoice). The defective part or device must be returned to us within eight days. The warranty does not cover defects resulting from abnormal wear of the goods, transport and storage conditions. Moreover, the guarantee can not be applied if modifications or additions have been made on the goods by the buyer or any client of the buyer without the express agreement of our company. This warranty does not cover indirect damage, whether predictable or not. The replacement of these parts constitutes for the dealer a fixed repair. The following are excluded from the warranty : electrical parts, faulty operation of the appliance due to limescale deposits, improper installation, improper use and repair of the appliance, neglect of maintenance of the appliance. Reservation of title: We retain full ownership of the goods covered by the contract until full payment of the invoiced price, thus the goods can not be resold without prior agreement. In case of non-compliance by the purchaser of one of the payment deadlines, the goods will remain our property until full payment of the price (Law n ° 80-335 of 12/05/1980). Repairs: All our shipments of material repaired by us are payable against refund and with postage. Liability of the final holder: As a producer and marketer of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and Furniture Elements (EA), and in accordance with article L541-10-2 of the Environment Code, CASSELIN is subject to Extended Producer Responsibility. In order to provide and contribute to the management of waste from its activity, CASSELIN has chosen ECOLOGIC and VALDELIA, a State-approved eco-organisation, to carry out all the collection, depollution and recovery operations for WEEE in accordance with the regulatory requirements. By joining an eco-organisation, CASSELIN participates in the collective effort and statistics for the collection and treatment of waste in France, for which the member state is responsible to the European Union. In addition, CASSELIN collects an eco-contribution from its customers which it pays to its eco-organisation for each of the sectors concerned. Jurisdiction: Our goods being payable to Corbas (69960), there is expressly assignment of jurisdiction to the Commercial Court of Lyon for all disputes and even in case of incidental request, call of guarantee or of multiple defendants. Any clauses contrary to the present, not accepted in writing, will not be opposable to us. The preceding clauses come into force by the mere fact of the order placed or the receipt of our goods by the buyer. Modalities: To improve our products, modifications may be made without prior notice. Some images and texts in this catalog have been generated or assisted by artificial intelligence technologies. These contents are used in compliance with copyright laws and applicable regulations, with the aim of illustrating and enriching the provided information. All our photos are non-contractual. This catalog has been created using resources from,, Adobe Stock,,,, and